Risque de texte édulcoré à l'ONU contre la Syrie (UN WATCH)
Adapté Par Marc Brzustowski
Pour : http://www.unwatch.org
Les Etats-Unis remerciés pour leur appel à une session de l’ONU sur la Syrie, mais des inquiétudes que le texte soit très édulcoré
Genève, 28 avril -UN Watch, le groupe d’intérêts sur les droits de l’homme qui est à la tête d’unecoalition internationale opposée à l’élection de la Syrie au Conseil des Droits de l’Homme de l’ONU, a fait un éloge appuyé du rôle pilote des Etats-Unis qui a initié la session urgente de ce jour, visant à établir une enquête sur les évènements en Syrie, mais exprime son inquiétude que le texte condamnant le gouvernement Assad et sa tentative d’obtenir un siège au Conseil, ne soit édulcoré, dans une tentative apparente d’obtenir le soutien d’états membres de l’ONU qui ne soient pas à l’aise avec la notion d’examen de la situation des droits de l’homme. .Cliquez ici pour voir des extraits de la session préparatoire chauffée à blanc, concernant le débat sur la Syrie.
La coalition de 24 groupes des droits de l’homme, députés et dissidents,a fait pressionau Conseil, aujourd’hui, pour qu’il émette un rejet explicite de la candidature syrienne, avant le vote du 20 mai à l’Assemblée Générale de l’ONU à New-York.
Cliquez ici pour lire le projet original de résolution US condamnant directement les violations « de la part du gouvernement syrien » (Op. paragraphe 1), et déclarant que « les récentes violations des droits de l’homme commises en République Arabe Syrienne doivent être prises en compte, lorsque cet état cherche à devenir membre du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme (Op ; Parag. 7). Puis,cliquez ici pour prendre connaissance de la notification américaine révisée,et les changements intervenus dans le vocabulaire. . En savoir plus.
Les Nations-Unies incapables de faire front commun contre la violence en Syrie
Par Pamela Falk
28 avril 2011- Le Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU a vainement tenté, depuis trois jours, de rédiger une déclaration de presse commune, condamnant la Syrie pour ses agressions contre la population civile, mais un Conseil de Sécurité divisé a achevé les consultations sur la Syrie, mercredi, sans parvenir à un accord. La Russie, la Chine et le Liban, qui avaient déjà critiqué la campagne aérienne des Etats-Unis et de l’OTAN en Libye, se sont tout simplement abstenus d’être présents au Conseil.
Pendant ce temps, l’organisation des droits de l’homme, U.N. Watch,basée à Genève, a rassemblé un groupe d’intérêts qui se définit comme « la Coalition Internationale contre l’Election de la Syrie au UNHRC », et a fait appel au Procureur de la Cour Pénale Internationale, Luis Moreno-Ocampo – qui fera son rapport au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU sur la situation en Libye, la semaine prochaine- pour qu’une enquête soit lancée contre Assad et ses conseillers les plus proches, pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’Humanité. « Choisir la Syrie pour devenir l’un des Juges mondiaux sur la question des droits de l’homme équivaudrait à nommer Bernard Madoff pour la défense des victimes de fraude financière. », a déclaré sur la page Facebook de son groupe, Hillel Neuer, le directeur exécutif d’UN Watch.En savoir plus
UNHRC to debate creation of investigatory c'tee on Syria
April 28, 2011 - Suzanne Nossel, US deputy assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, said the US resolution clearly held the Syrian government accountable for the violence against its own population, but UN Watch warned that a later draft of the document had watered down some of that language.
The new text, the NGO said, failed to condemn the Syrian government. It also did not clearly call on the UN General Assembly to vote against Syria’s bid for a seat on the Human Rights Council when 15 of the 47 council seats are filled on May 20.
The original version of the US resolution condemned the Syrian government for killing and torture hundreds of innocent protesters, while the revised version condemned these actions, but not the Syrian government.
Similarly, the original version said that Syria’s recent human rights violations should be considered at the May 20 membership elections.
The more recent draft, however, merely recalled that a candidate’s contributions to human rights should be taken into account. READ MORE
UNHRC to hold special Syria session Friday
April 28, 2011 - The UN Human Rights Council plans to hold a special session on Syria this Friday in Geneva to urge its government to stop attacking civilian protesters.
On Wednesday, an international coalition of human rights groups led by UN Watch called on the UNHRC to include such a call in its Syria resolution.
Earlier this week the group launched its campaign to bar Syria from the UNHRC.
UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer said, “if the council declares President Bashar al-Assad unwelcome as a member, it would sound the death knell for Syria’s cynical candidacy to be elected a global judge of human rights.”
Neuer said that his organization condemns a recent statement by Pakistan’s ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Zamir Akram, that Syria’s actions do not merit a special session. [The Pakistani diplomat] threatened that members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference would use the meeting to focus on Israeli actions against the Palestinians. READ MORE
Yesterday's global coverage of UN Watch's campaign:
Canada's National Post, Critics blast UN Rights Council's two-faced stance on Syria, April 27: "Choosing Syria to be a global judge of human rights would be like appointing Bernie Madoff to protect victims of financial fraud," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watchin Geneva, referring to the former Wall Street broker convicted of operating a multi-billion-dollar Ponzi scheme. He also warned that the emergency session is not guaranteed to put Syria on the hot seat — recalling that in 2009, the council ended up praising Sri Lanka for its conduct during that country's civil war, after European countries sought an emergency session to condemn the violence there. More
Sky News' "Boulton & Co." program, April 27: UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer was interviewed live on Wednesday by Sky News TV political editor Adam Boulton regarding Syria's bloody crackdown. Neuer described how the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been firing indiscriminately and killing hundreds of peaceful protesters, as well as funeral mourners, people in mosques, and civilians in their homes. Also in the segment was British MP Rory Stewart of the ruling Conservative Party, who agreed that the Assad family had hitherto received favorable treatment in the West that was undeserved.
Deutsche Presse Agentur, Groups protest Syrian bid for UN Human Rights Council seat, April 27: Human rights advocacy groups on Wednesday protested Syria's intention to run for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council despite its deadly crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators. 'Syria utterly fails to qualify for membership on the council,' said UN Watch, one of the groups. 'The claims made by Syria in its candidacy pledge are utterly false. Syria under the Assad regime is a brutal police state that over four decades has perpetrated gross and systematic abuses of basic human rights against the citizens of Syria, while sponsoring terrorism abroad.' More
Brazili's O Globo newspaper, Ativistas protestam contra candidatura síria a Conselho de Direitos Humanos, April 27: An international coalition of NGOs, however, today asked today the Human Rights Council to withdraw the candidacy of Syria, arguing that one of the criteria to be a member of the Council is to promote and protect human rights. "Syria does not have the qualifications to be a member of the Board," said a statement from UN Watch, one of the organizations in the coalition. "Under the Assad regime, Syria is a brutal police state that over four decades perpetrated systematic human rights abuses." More (in Portuguese)
The Jerusalem Post, Campaign to block Syria's election to UNHRC underway, April 27: Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based monitoring group, said Syria’s currently unopposed bid for a Human Rights Council seat, “only underscores the pathologies of that body, where abusers like China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia control the ruling faction and routinely shield human rights criminals from accountability, ensuring that selectivity and politicization trump genuine human rights. UN Watch has planned that several human rights groups, together with Syrian dissidents and victims, will appear at UN headquarters on May 19, the eve of the UN General Assembly election, for a press conference to lobby against Syria’s election.
Russia Today (Arabic edition), France and Italy asking EU to examine sanctions against Assad regime, April 27: Human rights organizations launched a campaign headed by UN Watch. The NGO issued a statement saying that "electing Syria as a global judge of human rights is like choosing Bernie Madoff to protect fraud victims."
حصة الدول الاسيوية لعضوية مجلس الامم المتحدة لحقوق الانسان، بينما بدأت منظمات حقوق الانسان حملةضد ذلك برئاسة منظمة "UN Watch" غير الحكومية التي نشرت بيانا موقعا من 50 مجموعة لحقوق الانسانجاء فيه ان "اختيار سورية
More (in Arabic)
Russia's Interfax news agency, International human rights activists oppose accession of Syria to the UN Human Rights Council, April 27: Human rights organizations have launched a campaign against the election of Syria to the UN Human Rights Council, led by the non-governmental organization UN Watch, says Interfax. UN Watch is going to lead the campaign, featuring human rights groups and Syrian dissidents at a press conference at UN Headquarters on the eve of the UN General Assembly vote, to oppose Syria's candidacy. More (in Russian)
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